How can drones be used safely while filming over water?

How can drones be used safely while filming over water?

Drone aerial videos often show footage of rivers and lakes, which are beautiful but prone to bomb accidents. So, today I'm going to share with you some tips on how to safely shoot water footage with a drone.
When we take off from the shore with the drone, it is recommended to set the runaway behavior to runaway return, and if we are taking off on a boat, then set the runaway behavior to hover. In addition, in order to prevent the drone from falling into the water when it returns out of control, do not set the out-of-control behavior to descent. And it is necessary to have a general understanding of the surrounding terrain and environment, conduct more safety checks on the drone in daily flight, and replace the aging motor and battery in time.

When we operate the drone by boat, the shaking of the hull will affect the startup self-test of the drone, and the self-test will not pass. At this time, we should try to take off on the ship after the startup self-test of the drone. In addition, it should be noted that the metal hull will also affect the calibration of the compass. In addition, because the moisture of the water mist on the water surface is relatively heavy, it is necessary to clean and maintain the drone after the flight, dry the water stains on the lens and the fuselage, and avoid corrosion and damage to the electronic components.
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